Isn't that the reason most blogs are started? Someone at some point got bored and said "Hey! I think I'll put my every thought up on the internet for the world to see!" Well, I had that same thought today....and hopefully I don't get myself in trouble. I have so many ideas, so many things to blog about, that I may find myself unable to do anything but blog.......ok...I'm exaggerating, but I do foresee several blogs a day. I have so much to blog about.
First things first, as a Christian and a thinker, I'm bound to have great epiphanies, stories about my own walk with God, and words of encouragement. There is a story I wrote a while back that I will have to dig up and post on here that I found most encouraging to me with what I was dealing with at that time.
I am a part-time Web Designer and Computer Technician. I love working with computers, software, hardware.........If it has a circuit, give it to me. I am the Queen Geek. Gadgets are my drug of choice. You should see the high I get when I get a new toy. I can find anything online.....a lint trap for the dryer, carriage belt for a plotter (actual examples found and ordered in 15 minutes flat!)......I have become known in my family as the Google Queen (not to be confused with the borg queen, although, now that I think about it, I can't say we're that different, really).
I was also recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. FMS is basically a condition where you have chronic pain in your muscles and joints. I've read that it may be a neurological condition where the brain reacts to stimuli differently than someone who doesn't have FMS. It is still very much a mystery and is being researched more thoroughly. There is still much to be learned about it. I've considered becoming involved in a study of Fibromyalgia, but I haven't decided yet....
And last but not least, I'm an Everquest 2 addict. Well, perhaps addict is too strong a word, but I'm pretty close. I love playing the game and the people I play with. I've made great friends there, a few enemies, and plenty of memories. I lead a guild on the Nagafen server called From The Ashes. Its a Freeport Guild (Evil-aligned) and we've grown so much in the last few months. I love leading a guild there and couldn't imagine playing without that. It's very much like running a business....Lots of work, lots of frustrations at times, but oh so rewarding!! I love seeing where it goes. I'm hoping to get my Dad to join me. hee hee hee.