Despite what the title might indicate, this has nothing to do with my kindle. However, that post will be coming soon! Sarah, you can look forward to my glowing post about that! No, I'm writing today about rekindling my interest in web design.
Five years ago, I enjoyed a job as a web designer for a local company. When I left that job and went to work for my dad, my interest took a back seat to learning how to design houses and engineer buildings. It was a fun experience while it lasted, but I never really had the interest in it that I had in web design.
Well, now I'm unemployed and I have a lot of spare time on my hands and the itch to do something constructive with it has struck again. I tried to appease that itch before with crafts. It was enjoyable, but it has it's limitations. It's hard to cross-stitch when my wrist acts up, for example. I can see web design having similar issues. If a particular day the fibro fog is thick, I may not be in the best shape for programming. But I think a combination of the two should keep me occupied.
But since it's been a few years since I last designed a website, I feel a bit rusty. After all, HTML5 has taken off, and there's lots of new features to play with. CSS3 (something I looked forward to years ago) now seems to be standard. I'm looking forward to learning all the new tricks. And designing for smartphones is even more important these days, and I'm up for the challenge.
I'm enjoying it. Whether this just stays a hobby or turns into a source of income, I'm going to enjoy learning and having something to do.