Ok, so obviously, I've been kinda out of it. This last week has been really rough.
The constipation continued and continued despite being on 2 laxatives. I wish I had taken everyone's advice and gotten the miralax back then, but money was an issue. So, GI doc scheduled a colonoscopy for Wednesday. Tuesday was miserable!!! The prep for the scope literally drains you. I had to take the miralax (fortunately, insurance covered this bottle) and i drank tons of water. That stuff works fast! I was up and going every 10 minutes. I was so exhausted tho. Not being able to eat really anything besides jello and popsicles takes it out of you. I went to bed at 8, really early for me. Woke up around 2 and went down stairs. I was still going ever half hour.......At one point, I got that feeling you get when you have dry heaves.......I felt like I had to go with nothing to go...... I got over it in about 5 minutes, thank god, but it was really miserable. Went back to bed for a couple hours before I had to give my self 2 enemas......fun fun fun.
Colonoscopy went fairly well, aside from the waiting. Sitting in that chair really hurt my back. I was glad to get on the gurney. I was still awake for the first part of the scope, but they soon gave me enough drugs to not care anymore. Went home and rested, glad it was over and done with. They didn't find anything but some inflamation. I'm hoping this is the end of my major constipation probs..........
But, when it rains, it pours. The colonoscopy cost me $200 that I needed to borrow some money from my Dad to help cover. Then, Thursday, I discovered that my account was going to be overdrawn because my insurance hadn't posted when I thought it had. So I got my check early to cover the debt before I incurred overdraft fees. I went to deposit the check after work, and found that I was going to be overdrawn by $400. I freaked!
Turns out, my automatic bill pay to my grandma was scheduled to be paid that day. They informed me on their site that if the money wasn't available, the payment would not be made. Apparently, they don't tell you that your available balance includes $800 for your overdraft limit. So be cause I CAN be over drawn by $800, they can decide that for me. I threw a fit!
I dealt with so many people, spent an hour trying to fix it. Finally, I got them to put a stop payment on it and have it credited back to my account, but I still needed to cover the stuff that would hit. The credit wouldn't happen for a few days. I talked with a lady who said she could credit back my overdraft fees for anything that hit prior to my payment to my grandma. I had to borrow $500 from my Dad so I wouldn't go overdrawn again. In the end, after lots of frustration, tears, and phone calls, I got everything covered and had about $100 to get me through the weekend.
But, does my tale end there? no. Thinking that it's the weekend, and I'm glad the week is over, I settled in for a nice weekend, no responsibilities other than to do laundry. I realized Saturday that I needed to get some food. And I was all out of Diet Rite, my one vice, so I decided to drive to the store. On the way back, I somehow wasn't paying attention and ran a red light...........Into traffic.
There were 2 lanes of traffic making a left turn on to my street. I managed to miss the cars in the first lane, but hit a car in the second one. Fortunately no one was hurt, and the damage wasn't that bad. But, That is an at fault accident that's going to possibly cause my rates to go up, and because I don't have comp/collision on my old clunker, I don't get any money for those repairs. The damage to my car isn't horrid. It still drives, and I don't think anything will impair the function of the vehicle. Surprisingly, my parking light, which was smashed in the impact, still turns on. lol. Headlights work, nothing under the hood was touched. Seems to just be some body damage. Considering my car is almost 14 years old, I'm ok with a little body damage. It doesn't bother me any. As long as it gets me from point a to point b, I'm fine.
So, I made the decision not to leave my house for the rest of the weekend. But, in hindsight, There's quite a bit I can be thankful for. I'm 7 pounds lighter than before because of cleaning me out, i think. I'm back at work, and physically doing pretty well today. The $500 is back in my account as of today, and things are starting to look up.
Looks like it stopped raining.
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