Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pain Journal: Entry 1

So, I've been thinking about starting a pain journal, and I realized, I need to stop thinking about it. Today is my first day off work this week because of pain, but if it hadn't been for my doctor appointment yesterday, I'd have left early then.

I'll start there, because that's what started today's pain.

9:00 or so, I notice pain in my upper left arm. It feels like I over worked my muscle, even though I haven't. My arm feels weak.

10:00 or so, I started noticing pain in my back, around my left shoulder blade. My bra irritated it and I really tried to move my bra strap so it wouldn't hurt, but I couldn't seem to do so. It was a burning sensation on the skin, as if I was sunburnt. I also had a tenseness in my neck and back muscles on that side.

1:30 I'm still having the pains in my neck and arm. It's more severe now. I'd rate it a 6 on a scale of 1-10. I have to go to the doctor, so I carefully pick up my things and leave the office. I get there at around 1:45 and wait for about 45 minutes.

By the time I leave the office at 3:00 or so (a long story I will explain in a follow up post), I just want to go home and get that bra off!! But I need to get my Rx filled and home, so I head to Costco. The drive there, I am nearly in tears from the pain in my back. I feel miserable, but I manage to find a good parking spot, wait for my precriptions, and take my self back out to my car. By now, the pain is easily around 8. I make the quick drive home, Once inside the house, the bra is off, which helps aleviate some of the pain. I change into my pajamas and come back downstairs to relax. I take a vicodin which helps a little bit, but it's not gone. I'm hesitant to use a heating pad because the pain has been hot. I just don't know if it's a good idea.

11:00 I get ready for bed. My pain has now spread to my left calf as well. I get upstairs and think a bath might help, but i'm in too much pain and don't have enough energy. I take my meds. It's painful to hold the water bottle in my left hand. I get in bed and try to sleep on my right side like normal. I have a pillow I rest my left hand on. after about 15 minutes, the pain is excruciating. I have shooting pain in my neck and my arm hurts so bad.

I decide It might actually be more comfortable to lay on my back. I lay there, my entire left side of my body is in pain. Even that isnt totally comfortable. But finally, I fall asleep somehow. I feared I was going to have to go to the ER. My pain reached about a 9.

This morning, I had a difficult time waking up. I set my alarm to go off at 8:00 but didn't wake up until 9:00. When I did, my arm, neck, and leg still hurt, but it had gone back down to about a 6 in pain. I would have liked to stay in bed, but I had to call in sick to work. I knew I wouldn't be able to handle it. All morning I've been so tired. I took a vicodin first thing this morning, but it hasn't helped the pain much. I decided to go back to bed and take a nap around 11. I woke up at 2, My pain has subsided a bit. I can still feel this weird weakness in my arm and leg. I'm going to be keeping an eye on this.

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