Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Little Things: New Mattress

They always say to enjoy the little things in life.  Who's "They"?  Heck if I know, but "they" are right.  There's no guarantee you get the big things.  But the little things are always there.

So, is the feeling of the first night on a brand new mattress a little thing or a big thing?  Well, maybe the owning of a brand spanking new mattress is a big thing, but there is nothing so enjoyable as a good night's sleep.

Last night was my first night on my brand new mattress.  A couple weeks ago, Grandma and I went to Mattressland.  It was a trip we'd planned to have for months, but I had never felt up to doing the shopping involved.  But, we finally managed it and a week and a half later, it was in my bedroom.

After Thanksgiving dinner and all the broohaha last night, exhausted from being sick, I took my nightly meds and passed blissfully into the deepest sleep I've had in over a year.  I slept solidly from 12:30 to about 8:30 this morning.

Sleeping on my new bed is like sleeping on a cloud!  None of the pain I had on my old bed was there.  No pain from the springs or wires.  My bed cradled me softly and carried me quietly to dreamland.  Well, ok, I don't know if there were dreams, but you get what I mean.  I can only hope I get sleep like this for years to come!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Resolution

Ok, so most people would wait another 5 weeks for the New Year to make their resolution, but I don't want to wait that long.  Waiting is something I've had to become accustomed to with Fibro.  I have to wait for good days to go shopping or wait until my pain med kicks in to go upstairs.  As much as I have to put off, I've started (yes, started....not there yet!) to learn the value of doing what I can now.

So, my resolution, is to write in my blog at least twice a week.  I'm trying out a new bit of software that I'm hoping will help me remember to do this.  If you're interested, it's called Smart Diary.  They have many versions to suit your needs, including a free version and a fully loaded medical version.  I'm currently trying out the free version, but if I find I need more from it, I may buy an upgrade. I haven't decided yet.  But I love that I can track things I want to, like my pain and fatigue, mood, and more.  There are defaults provided, but they can be edited.

I've had a lot of time to think in the last couple weeks.  I'm currently pursuing disability because of my fibro.  It wasn't an easy decision to make.  After family and friends had suggested it for quite some time, I finally had to agree.  I would love to just work a normal schedule.  I don't want to need help.  But there's nothing I can do about it.

So, what can I do?  I can choose to not let this stop me.  I can choose to keep doing what I can and put out of mind what I can't.  I can choose to trust that God has this covered.  I trust God would not have allowed me to have this disease unless he also made a way for me to get through it.

I think this is something I'm going to have to remind myself of daily.  Fibro won't get easier to live with, but it doesn't mean I can't live.  This blog is just one part of that.