Monday, March 21, 2011

I Stopped Praying for Healing

From a young age, my prayers have often been sprinkled with requests for healing.  When the pain gets really bad, that's when I pray for it the most.  As a teenager, going to a Christian school, when the teacher asked for prayer requests, I would always request healing for my knees (where it all began).

As time went on, the prayers for healing continued, yet no healing came.  I knew God was either saying "no" or "it's not time yet".  I think I always thought that with enough prayer, God would give me what I want.

But I'm done praying for healing.  It's not that I don't want to be healed, nor do I think God will never heal me.  But I've come to a powerful realization in the last few weeks.  In all my prayers, I asked for my will to be done, but never gave a thought about His.

So, I've resolved myself to a new prayer.  I'm praying that God will show me how I can use this situation for His glory.  I may never be rid of this pain, this trial, but just as Paul was given a thorn in his flesh, I believe I too have been given this for a reason.  I know as long as I have faith and allow God to use me in whatever way he can, I will be blessed despite my suffering.

I have always known  little things that got me through the worst of this.  God will never give me more than I can handle.  In God all things are possible. In my weakness, his strength is made perfect.  But I think I always applied those in hopes that I would be healed one day.  It wasn't until I started praying this new prayer that I found a new peace.  Perhaps by finally putting God's desires ahead of my own in this area, I opened a door for God to shower new blessings on me.

And healed or not, God has a plan for me.  Perhaps, gentle reader, you too have something you've been struggling with that you want more than anything for God to just take it away.  I hope this encourages you.  I truly believe there is a drastic change in us when we acknowledge God's will and desire it above our own.  Who knows how lives will be touched when we stop letting our desires get in the way of God using us for His purpose?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a lovely post. I am glad you've come to this conclusion. I am suspicious of those who DEMAND healing from God instead of asking his will and then listening. It sounds like you are doing just that.