Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Most Fun I've Had At Work In A While!!!

Who knew shredding CDs could be so much fun???

My project for the last couple weeks at work has been to sort through a bunch of old computer parts recovered from storage. In and amongst all of that .... crap ... was a bunch of software, disks with old files, etc. Because of the nature of the business and the content on the cds, I had to shred them. We've got a mondo shredder that can apparently handle CDs. Oh, it was so much fun!! when ever it at one up, the noise it made was the sound effects on an old 8-bit video game. 1UP!!!

LOL. I sacrificed the CD Lamp I was planning to make for this. It was SOOO worth it. One of these days, I'll still make the lamp, but I'll just buy a spindle of blank CDs. I know where to get them cheap. hee hee

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