Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Playing with Dad's Laptop

So, we finally got my Dad's laptop back from Acer technical support. And FINALLY, it works. Hardware. I told them that from the get go, but did they listen to me? noooooo...... But I'm not bitter.

So, now, because my Dad wants to play with Vista (why anyone would want to do that is beyond me, but it gives me more opportunity to gripe about it), I get to tweak it. So, just a few tweaks I've made so far:

**WARNING** I am editing the registry (regedit, if you don't know) which I don't recommend unless you know what you're doing. These are just changes I've made to make my Dad's life easier.

Disable the Remote Desktop Warning when connecting to older versions of Windows (so annoying when Dad logs into his work computer):
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Terminal Server Client
Create DWORD "AuthenticationLevelOverride" and set to 0
Disable those annoying Ballon Tips that pop up:
Create DWORD "EnableBalloonTips" and set to 0

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