Monday, December 13, 2010

Fatigue: Suckage of the Soul

Yeah, that's as close to a decent title as I can get in this state.  Suckage is hereby an actual word.

I have been so exhausted the last couple days.  I expected immense fatigue after picking Grandma up at the airport.  Day trips are usually quite painful and exhausting, despite the enjoyment of it.  Oddly enough, though, the next couple days were uneventful.  I can't say I was exhausted as much as maybe lethargic.  Just didn't feel up to doing anything, really.

Now the weekend was a total switch.  I've been up probably a total of 10 hours this weekend.  Now I'm fixing to go back to bed.  My sleep schedule is whacked, but I have this need to sleep this off.  How many more 18+ hour sleep nights I'll need before I feel better, who knows?  This is why I can't work for anyone but Dad right now.

It sucks to be undependable.  But for now this is what I have to deal with.  Right now, I just need to take care of myself.  So, yeah, if you can't get ahold of me, I'm probably asleep.  Fear not.  I'll see the missed message when I wake up.  Whether you're awake when I see it, I can't know.

For now, I'm just REALLY glad I got a new mattress.  I'm spending more time with it than anything right now.

Off to spend more time with it. Laters!

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